2019 ASCO Annual Meeting

Although FCSL is not attending, we would like to highlight the annual meeting of The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), May 31-June 4, 2019 in Chicago, Illinois. ASCO is the world’s leading professional organization for physicians and oncology professionals caring for people with cancer. Flow cytometry features prominently at the ASCO meeting: a quick search found 100 abstracts where flow cytometry was used in support of clinical and non-clinical research.
Here are (just a few) examples of flow cytometry applications featured at ASCO:
- Detection of Circulating Clonal Plasma Cells (cPCs) in newly diagnosed Multiple Myeloma patients
- Phenotyping TIL (Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes) in Syngeneic Mouse models
- Biomarkers monitoring anti-PD1 therapy response
- Detection of Circulating Tumor Cells (CEC)
- Detection of Mean Residual Disease (MRD)
- Monitoring CAR-T cell Therapies
FCSL is a contract flow cytometry lab supporting basic research, non-clinical and clinical studies. We routinely run up to 10-color flow cytometry panels, and are experts in flow cytometry panel design. This includes fit-for-purpose flow cytometry panels, Immunophenotyping, Receptor Occupancy Assays (ROA), and the inclusion of proprietary markers into established flow cytometry panels. If your research requires flow cytometry, contact us to start the scientific conversation.