Annual American Association of Immunologists (AAI) meeting

Although FCSL is not attending we would like to highlight the annual American Association of Immunologists (AAI) meeting. The AAI annual meeting is the leading all Immunology meeting worldwide and is being held this year May 9-13 in beautiful San Diego CA. Join the world’s leading immunologists to:
- Explore the latest developments in the field of immunology
- Attend lectures by the world’s most prominent scientists
- Speak with poster authors presenting their latest data
- Network with colleagues from around the world, and
- Discover new techniques and resources that can benefit your research
Major Symposia Include:
- Interactions of Innate and Adaptive Immune Cells that Promote Autoimmunity
- Extrinsic and Intrinsic Immune Aspects of the Tumor Microenvironment
- Acute and Chronic Inflammation
- Structural and Cellular Aspects of Innate Lymphocytes
- Mechanisms of Allergic Immunity
- Functional Plasticity of Innate and Adaptive Immune Cells
- Immune Responses to Emerging Viral Infections
- Regulating Immune Cell Metabolism to Regulate Immune Responses
The AAI 2019 annual meeting is sponsored by BIolegend®, FASEB, Thermo Fisher Scientific, BD Biosciences, Stem Cell™Technologies, BioCell, FLUIDIGM, Kyowa Kirin, Sheridan, SONY, the Allen Institute of Immunology, Beckman-Coulter Life Sciences, Luminex, RayBIotech, and studylog®.