Flow Cytometry User Groups And The Relaunch Of The NWFCS

Flow cytometry user groups are communities of people who share an interest in flow cytometry and FACS services who are brought together under circumstances where they may not normally interact. These local user groups provide a platform for sharing knowledge and expertise, discussing new developments and applications, and networking with other professionals in the geographic area covered by the group. User groups dedicated to the technology of flow cytometry have many advantages in that they provide a forum for researchers to share knowledge and experiences, which can help to improve research and advance the field. They also provide opportunities for networking and cooperation, which can lead to new research projects and collaborations. Additionally, local flow user groups can provide access to specialized equipment and resources to the members of the group, who may not have access otherwise.
Flow cytometry user groups are a great way to connect laboratory leaders and staff from academic institutions, core facilities, contract flow labs, diagnostic laboratories, and clinical research facilities to share experience and insights. There are many user groups throughout the United States and worldwide that you can join. To find one in your area, please consult the following:
Group | Website |
Within the USA | |
Northwest Flow Cytometry Society (NWFCS) | https://northwestflow.org/ |
Chesapeake Cytometry Consortium | https://www.ccc-flow.org/ |
Great Lakes International Imaging and Flow Cytometry Association (GLIIFCA) | http://www.gliifca.org |
Metroflow NY NJ Flow Cytometry User Group | www.metroflow.org |
New England Cytometry User Group | https://newenglandcytometry.com/ |
Southern California Flow Cytometry Association | https://socalflow.org/ |
Worldwide | |
Association Francaise De Cytometrie | https://afcytometrie.fr/ |
Australasian Flow Cytometry Group | https://cytometry.org.au/ |
German Society for Cytometry | https://dgfz.org/ |
FCSL is pleased to announce the relaunch of The Northwest Flow Cytometry Society (NWFCS), an inclusive scientific community with the goal to connect researchers who use flow cytometry in the Northwest region, including Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and British Columbia.
The purpose of this organization is to foster knowledge exchange and excellence in the field of flow cytometry by organizing scientific meetings, workshops, and seminars. The organization strives to educate scientists on best practices, experimental guidelines, latest technical developments, and data analysis approaches, with the overarching goal of furthering research and training in the field of single cell analysis. Topics of discussion can range from fundamental immunophenotyping of lymphocyte subsets or receptor occupancy assays to instrument technology and troubleshooting to data analysis including automated gating using trained algorithms and everything in between. Regular meetings and seminars shall serve as an educational forum for novel ideas, information exchange, and scientific applications of flow cytometry.
The NWFCS will be hosting its first meeting/conference in March 2024 at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, WA. We encourage anyone with a passion for flow cytometry who will be in the Seattle area at that time to attend. The exact dates, agenda, and topics to be presented will be available in the next few months.
For more information, please visit the NWFCS website or join the mailing list for more details and updates about the upcoming meeting and our other activities. We look forward to connecting with you at the meeting!